The Parish Council looks after village cleaning and grass cutting, lighting and lighting repairs, the play area, and other village activities. It also has the ultimate responsibility for the Village Hall.

The funding mainly comes from the precept, i.e. the council tax payers. In addition, the P.C. holds funds raised during the various millennium activities in 1999 and 2000. These funds are used for new village activities and projects.

The Parish has recently been through a detailed planning process culminating with a Parish Plan. As a result of this a number of action groups have been set up.

The P.C. meets in the Village Hall on the 2nd or 3rd Thursday of each month (except April, August and December). Meetings start at 7.30 pm in the committee room, and members of the public are welcome to attend. The agenda includes a “Question time” where members of the public are able to bring issues to the attention of the P.C.